serve with kidskamp

1. Sign up to Serve THE WEEK OF KIDSKAMP

From greeting kids and families to leading a crew of kids, we have a place for you to serve. Our experience is successful because of the men, women and students that give their time and talents! Check out this story from a KidsKamp volunteer.

  • Our volunteers are asked to be present Monday June 10th to Friday, June 14th from 8:00am - 12:45pm.

  • If you have a commitment that requires you to miss one day, just let us know on your registration.

Check out all the roles and their job descriptions here


Assist with various projects as we prepare for KidsKamp! Serve as a packet maker, packet pick-up attendant, on-campus helper, room resetter, etc. Click here to see how you can help and when before and after the week of KidsKamp.

3. Sponsor a KidsKamper

We never want finances to keep kids from coming to experience the love of Jesus. We are aiming to sponsor 50 kids who don’t regularly attend church. So sign up to sponsor a KidsKamper for $75.00!

4. Donate Supplies

We have tons of fun activities and games planned for our kiddos this summer. So be sure to check out our Amazon Wish List and donate supplies!