Family Dedication

Experience homework


1. Watch this video

2. Print out our Homework Card #1 and write a description of the kind of person you hope your child will become over the next 18 years. Every year on their birthday, pull out the card. This exercise will give you a chance to evaluate how you’re doing as you lead your child spiritually and to remember the importance of your child’s relationship with their heavenly Father.


1. Print out our Homework Card #2 and write down two things you will do to invest in yourself and in the significant relationships in your life. These practical decisions can make a huge impact on your relationships over the long haul. Examples: 

  • Maybe you'll get a babysitter once or twice a month so you can have time with your spouse.

  • Maybe you'll put your baby to bed early so you can have personal time at the end of each day. 

  • Maybe you'll go for a walk each night after dinner to enjoy God’s creation. 

2. On this same Homework Card #2, write down two things you will do to invest in your relationship with God. This is a great way to hold yourself accountable to growing in your faith. Examples: 

  • Maybe you'll join a Life Group and be in community with other parents. Click here to get started!

  • Maybe you’ll join Starting Point where you can grow in your faith by learning how to read the Bible, how to pray, and how to worship. Click here to sign up.

  • Maybe you'll commit to having a personal quiet time three times a week. 


1. Watch this video.

2. Collect and submit five-eight pictures of your baby and family here. We will use these photos to showcase your family at our celebration event.

3. We believe one of the greatest gifts our church can give parents is the gift of a partnership. Many parents feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of their child's spiritual development--not because they are unwilling, but because they feel ill equipped. That's where the church can come along side of you and provide encouragement, community, and resources. So find out how you can get connected with Beach Church here.